Bourbon, Whiskey, Vodka and Moonshine - How Much Yeast?

This blog provides information for educational purposes only. Read our complete summary for more info.

We get a lot of questions about yeast. Everyone seems to want to know how much yeast is needed for making 5 or 10 gallons of mash. For those that have read The Best Yeasts for Distilling, it's obvious we are very fond of bread yeast. We have found over the years that bread yeast can easily produce as much alcohol as other yeasts if used correctly.

The question we hear a lot is "How much yeast do I need for the ____ recipe?" The answer is "It Depends." Every type of yeast is slightly different. In general, yeast can be categorized into three different groups: champagne & beer yeast, distillers yeast, and bread yeast. Use the following guidelines for measuring the quantity of yeast that is added to a mash.

Before we get started, a reminder: Distilling alcohol is illegal without a federal fuel alcohol or distilled spirit plant permit as well as relevant state permits. Our distillation equipment is designed for legal uses only and the information in this article is for educational purposes only. Please read our complete legal summary for more information on the legalities of distillation.

Champagne or Beer Yeast

Whiskey mash with Bread Yeast When using a champagne or beer yeast it will have directions on the packet. Every champagnebeer yeast we have ever used is packaged to ferment 5 gallons of beer. When using champagne/beer yeast use 1 packet for every 5 gallons of mash.

Distillers Yeast

When using distillers yeast follow the directions on the packet.  If there are no directions we suggest 1 tablespoon of yeast per 5 gallons of mash.

Bread Yeast

When using bread yeast we have had great results with Fleischmann's bread yeast over the years. Bread yeast can be bought in packet form or in 1-2 pound bulk packages. It is normally cheaper to buy in bulk but it is more convenient to store the yeast in packets. We prefer packets and can justify the slight cost increase for the convenience/storage factor. Just follow the steps we have outlined below in order have great results using bread yeast.

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    Create a simple yeast starter for 5 gallons of mash

    1. Add 1/2 cup of 110 degree water to a sanitized jar.
    2. Add 2 teaspoons of sugar to the water and mix thoroughly.
    3. Add 2 packets of yeast (14 grams or 1 tablespoon if using bulk yeast).
    4. Swirl the glass to mix in the yeast with the sugar water.
    5. Let the glass sit for 20 minutes and it will double in size.
    6. Once the starter has doubled in size add it to the mash and aerate. 


    To learn more about yeast and fermentation check out our article on "Fermentation and Yeast".

    Remember, it is illegal to distill alcohol at home for consumption. Do not do this.



    Portrait of Emmet Leahy

    Emmet Leahy is the Chief Operating Officer and lead product developer at Clawhammer Supply, a small scale distillation and brewing equipment company. He loves the process of developing new equipment for making beer at home just as much as he does using it to brew his own beer. He's also passionate about teaching people how to use distillation equipment to produce distilled water, essential oils, and with the proper permits, fuel alcohol and distilled spirits.

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    • BT
      Comment Author: Barnstormer Taylor

      How can I increase the proof % when distilling. I usually toss the first jar or until the still temp reaches 175 degrees. On a 5 gal batch maybe the 2,3,4 jar are good proof numbers, I have noticed that each one/jar afterwards seems to fall off experientially. Is that standard with distilling. Or what can I do to get more/higher proof? I have only made about 7 batches, so I’m asking questions. , I have started mixing corn meal in with my cracked corn which makes a thicker slurry, is their any benefit

    • WB
      Comment Author: William Baty

      Good content. Very helpful. I love the way you explain everything in a very understandable way so us older dummies can follow.

    • M
      Comment Author: Mike

      Does bakers yeast die above 8 % alcohol. And how can turbo yeast withstand to 15%?

    • N
      Comment Author: Nick

      Suzanne.! First. .. go for higher yield. 110 is too hot. Tap water at 90. In 5 gal bucket add 5 bags sugar @ 2.2 lbs . Or 1 kg each. Mix and dissolve like a crazy person. Packets of fleshmans? Add 4 or 5 TBS active dry. At 90 degree sugar water. Add half a lemons juice. This brings the PH balance up in our tap water. While dissolving sugar, incorporate lots of air. Yeast need the oxygen to thrive. Keep ingredients and tools sterile. When when the sugar wash stops production of CO2, place the 5gl bucket outside if you live were it snows or place in deep freeze or fridge for 3 days. “Cold crash” brings clarification and dead byproducts to the bottom.turbo yeast works amazing for this whole process. With the only problem being… Without a clarification agent or cold crash period, the distilled product tends to have off flavors. You must wait that extra time to cold crash when using a turbo yeast. Or use a turbo clear because the packaged turbo yeast contains yeast enzymes that fuel the fungi into a frenzy producing alot of byproducts after feeding on sugar. Not just booze and CO2. So again. 90 degrees. Half a lemon. Or baking soda . (Ph. Up or down) test your water acidity. 5gal bucket water to 10-12 lbs sugar. Oxygenation before adding yeast. And after fermentation has stopped place in cold environment for 3 days. To fring sediment to crash at bottom. Don’t get me going on distilling a wash haha have fun

    • D
      Comment Author: David

      In 10 liters of water 2.5kg sugar how much yeast I’m using baking yeast