Adding Sugar for Higher Potential Alcohol

This blog provides information for educational purposes only. Read our complete summary for more info.

Adding sugar to a solution before fermentation may be done for a variety of reasons. For example, a lot of homebrew recipes call for sugar additions. The Double IPA we brewed a while ago, for example, called for a 12 ounce dextrose addition. Adding highly fermentable sugar, such as dextrose, as opposed to adding more grain, will increase the ABV of the final product without increasing sweetness and malt character.

The chart below shows how many pounds of sugar are required to reach a  particular potential alcohol percentage for a 1, 5, and 10 gallons of finished fermented beer, wine, etc. A couple of notes, this chart assumes that the fermentation will end at 1.000 specific gravity. This is possible, but keep in mind that many beer yeasts finish around 1.010. 

Also, the chart assumes a starting point of zero sugar in the solution. But it is also useful useful if you make an all grain mash or a fruit mash and you want to increase potential ABV to a specific amount. Examples below.

Let's pretend that we make 5 gallon batch of what is supposed to be a Double IPA. The ABV for such a style is somewhere north of 7.5%. Assuming you add enough grains to craft a 6.3% ABV beer, according to the chart, you'll need to add at least 1lb of sugar to hit a potential alcohol of 7.5%, because adding 1lb of sugar will increase the potential alcohol by 1.2% for a 5 gallon batch. 

Added Sugar vs. Potential Alcohol in 1, 5, and 10 Gallon Batches
Pounds of Sugar 1 Gallon 5 Gallons 10 Gallons
1 lb. 5.9% 1.2% 0.6%
2 lbs. 11.9% 2.3% 1.2%
3 lbs. 17.7% 3.6% 1.8%
3.5 lbs. 20.5% 4.1% 2.1%
4 lbs. x 4.8% 2.3%
5 lbs. x 5.9% 3.0%
6 lbs. x 7.1% 3.6%
7 lbs. x 8.3% 4.1%
8 lbs. x 9.5% 4.8%
9 lbs. x 10.7% 5.4%
10 lbs. x 11.9% 5.9%
11 lbs. x 13% 6.6%
12 lbs. x 14.2% 7.1%
13 lbs. x 15.4% 7.7%
14 lbs. x 16.5% 8.3%
15 lbs. x 17.7% 8.9%
16 lbs. x 18.8% 9.5%
17 lbs. x 20% 10.1%
18 lbs. x x 10.7%
19 lbs. x x 11.2%
20 lbs. x x 11.9%
21 lbs. x x 12.4%
22 lbs. x x 13%
23 lbs. x x 13.5%
24 lbs. x x 14.2%
25 lbs.  x x 14.7%
26 lbs. x x 15.4%
27 lbs. x x 15.9%
28 lbs. x x 16.5%
29 lbs. x x 17%
30 lbs. x x 17.7%
31 lbs. x x 18.2%
32 lbs. x x 18.8%
33 lbs. x x 19.5%
34 lbs. x x 20%
Remember, while brewing is legal in almost all US states, distilling alcohol is illegal without a federal fuel alcohol or distilled spirit plant permit as well as relevant state permits. Our distillation equipment is designed for legal uses only and the information in this article is for educational purposes only. Please read our complete legal summary for more information on the legalities of distillation.
Portrait of Kyle Brown

Kyle Brown is the owner of Clawhammer Supply, a small scale distillation and brewing equipment company which he founded in 2009. His passion is teaching people about the many uses of distillation equipment as well as how to make beer at home. When he isn't brewing beer or writing about it, you can find him at his local gym or on the running trail.

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  • DD
    Comment Author: David Douville

    Federal laws are unconstitutional anyway. It’s We the People, than the State than Federal government last. State laws vary state to state for alcohol distilling. Go by your state laws first and foremost. The feds can piss off. In South Dakota one can distill up to 200 gallons a year for personal consumption. That’s quite a bit. As I said, always check state laws first. Happy brewing.

  • A
    Comment Author: Andre

    Randy how many gallons is that Mash recipe for?

  • R
    Comment Author: Randy

    125lbs rye meal. Pour boiling water stir and let sit until crust forms. Then add cold water and 240 lbs sugar. Make sure this is 115 degrees F. Then add 1 lb bakers yeast and stir 50 more lbs rye meal. Break up all of the balls of rye and stir vigorously. Let sit for about 2 and 1/2 days or until the head clears off and then pour into the still “ steamer type. Boil water in the boiler go to the bottom of the still with a 1and 1/2 pipe. Made 3 of theses boil and run through a worm and you will have rye whisky

  • M
    Comment Author: Moe

    Fermentation woES: To all brewing friends…
    1. Don’t overpower your yeast with high sugar
    2. Step feed if you must add sugar
    3. Temperature could be the stalling issue
    4. Use staggered nutrients
    5. Air leaking airlock/bucket may cause you to think it’s stalled
    6. Keep enjoying the hobby with new tools😎

  • SC
    Comment Author: Shawn Coffelt

    Thank you ALL for your posts! this helps me out tremendously! sugar content per gallon, temperature, yeast, ETC. above all thank you Kyle for your knowledge and helping people get it right.