How to Clean a Copper Moonshine Still

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Cleaning A Copper "Moonshine" Still

Quite a few folks have asked us how to keep the copper bright and shiny, so we decided to write this "how to" guide.  

First things first, by "moonshine still" we mean "small copper still. We've chosen to use that language because small copper stills are often called "moonshine stills." That said, copper is not naturally shiny.  Over time the metal develops a patina (dulls and turns more of a brownish color then black and bluish green) due to oxidation.  For those that want the patina, just wait! For those that like to keep their still bright and shiny, read on. We'll present a few easy and inexpensive ways to keep a still looking brand new.

copper moonshine still cleaner

1. Vinegar, salt, and flour:  Yes, that's right a few common kitchen ingredients and a bit of elbow grease will clean copper right up.  Combine about a tablespoon of salt and a cup of vinegar and then add enough flour to make a paste.  Apply the paste to a still and wait.  Leave sit for 30 minutes, wash off, and repeat the process if needed.  Of course, one will probably need to scale this recipe up for even the smallest still we make, but it's very inexpensive and works well.

2. Ketchup, lemon juice, cream of tartar:  This is another common recipe that utilizes common kitchen ingredients. If one does not have the ingredients listed in the previous recipe, but they do have some ketchup, lemon juice, and cream of tartar they can use this recipe.  However, this version of DIY household cleaner is not as effective as vinegar, salt, and flour.

copper moonshine still cleaner

3. Tarn-X:  For the quickest results, consider purchasing an "industrial strength" metal cleaner / tarnish remover.  Tarn-x works well and can be purchased at Lowe's or Home Depot.  It is also fairly inexpensive.  Be warned though, this stuff is quite a bit stronger than vinegar and salt, therefore proper protection is required.  Wear gloves and goggles.  Also, this stuff really smells awful.  I literally wear a voc mask when using it, which actually blocks the smell completely.  

Regardless of the cleaner used, remember to rinse a still thoroughly after cleaning. Any residual acids left on the still will cause it to discolor.  Also, remember that nature will always win and a still will discolor over time.  The best way to prevent natural patina is to apply a sealant just after thoroughly cleaning and polishing a still.  

Hopefully this was helpful information for those that want to keep their stills bright and shiny.  Also, consider the alternative: do nothing and let the still develop a natural patina. In my opinion, the natural route is best. Stills with patina look cool and require no work to maintain!

A reminder: Distilling alcohol is illegal without a federal fuel alcohol or distilled spirit plant permit as well as relevant state permits. Our distillation equipment is designed for legal uses only and the information in this article is for educational purposes only. Please read our complete legal summary for more information on the legalities of distillation.
Portrait of Kyle Brown

Kyle Brown is the owner of Clawhammer Supply, a small scale distillation and brewing equipment company which he founded in 2009. His passion is teaching people about the many uses of distillation equipment as well as how to make beer at home. When he isn't brewing beer or writing about it, you can find him at his local gym or on the running trail.

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  • JL
    Comment Author: JOHNNY LEONARD

    when putting a kit together.,how do you clean or get out the flux and soldier out of the insides of the copper pipes were they were soldierd.,? wouldn’t that be bad and make your shine taste bad when you go to distill it?….

  • M
    Comment Author: madmax

    just got my still put together,how do I clean the inside I have to put the water lines on it or just let it run.have put about a gallon of vinegar in it but do I put cooling lines on it.

  • J
    Comment Author: Jake

    I ran water and vinegar through my still to clean it.when I to dump out when finished I noticed that the water vinegar mix had a light bluish Tint to it is that normal

  • WD
    Comment Author: willis r davis

    just got first still , how do i make sure it is clean and safe to start running it.

  • S
    Comment Author: Scott

    I clean mine at the first run of the year. Vinegar and water works like a charm. 2 gallon water and 1/2 gallon of vinegar. Bring it to a boil and let it run out the worm for around 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with water. That gives you a good product throughout the year. If you by some slim chance burn your mash because you got a little corn in your pot (experience talking. Lol.) this method works well too to take out the burned stuff in the bottom.