Candy Orange IPA - Hazy Session

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How to Brew Candy Orange IPA BeerWe're back with another great session IPA recipe. This one is made with citra and lemon drop hops, as well as orange simple syrup and candied orange peel - all made from scratch. If you're into hazy session IPAs, we highly recommend this recipe. It's a very balanced beer with just the right amount of citrus aroma and taste as well as body and bitterness. And because it's a fairly low ABV beer, it's "highly crushable." In short, it turned out 100% awesome and you should definitely brew it if any of this sounds appealing.

Full Brew Day Video 


Brewing Water


We first added 7.9 gallons (29.9 liters) of tap water to our kettle.


After heating the water to strike temp, we inserted the grain basket in our kettle and added the following grains to the grain basket:

  • 2 Row Pilsner (2.0 SRM) - 6lbs (2kg 721.6g)
  • Flaked Oats (1.0 SRM) - 1lbs (453.6g)
  • Flaked Corn (1.7 SRM) - 1lb (453.6g)
  • Flaked Wheat (1.6 SRM) - 1lb (453.6g)

pouring grain into mill

We finely crush all of our grain in a mill before mashing with it


We mashed at 160F (71.1C) for 60 mins.

mashing in

Mashing in

stirring mash

It's important to stir your mash in order to break up any clumps

We mashed at a bit higher temperature than we have in the past for this style of beer. The goal was to increase beta amylase activity, which should boost the amount of unfermentable sugar, giving the beer a bit more sweetness and body.

Citrus Zest

While mashing, we worked on processing some citrus zest. We took the peel from 3 oranges and 1 lemon and blanched them.

peeling oranges

We just used a normal peeler to peel our fruit

Here's a quick guide to blanching citrus fruit:

  1. Add peels to pot of cold water (enough water to cover peels)

orange peels in water

Submerging peels in cold water

  1. Heat water to a boil
  2. As soon as boil starts, remove from heat, strain peels, and dump water.

straining oranges

Straining peels

  1. Add more cold water to pot along with strained peels
  2. Begin process again.

Repeat this entire process 3 times and make sure to remove the pot from the heat and strain the fruit as soon as a boil is reached. This process reduces the bitterness of the fruit. However, if you leave the peels boil, bitterness will actually increase.

Making Candied Citrus Peel

After blanching we moved on to creating candied peels. To do this we made some simple syrup by dissolving 400 grams of sugar in 400 grams of water (a 1 to 1 ratio). We then added the peels and simmered for 45 minutes.

orange peels in simple syrup

Citrus peels in simple syrup

citrus peels after simmering for 45 minutes

Citrus peels after 45 minutes of simmering

After that, we put the peels in a food dehydrator and let them sit on low heat for about 24 hours.

putting orange peels in a food dehydrator

Boiling / Hops

We boiled for 60 minutes and added the following hops, etc:

  • Citra (0.25 oz) / (7.1g) at 60 minutes (the start of the boil)

adding hops to hop basket

Adding Citra hops at the start of the boil

  • Citra (3 oz) / (85g) & Lemon Drop (1 oz) / (28.35g) hopstand after completing the boil and cooling the wort below 170F (76.7C).
  • Simple Syrup was also added with the hopstand hops.

simple syrup

adding simple syrup that simmered for 45 minutes

Adding the simple syrup that was simmered for 45 minutes


After leaving the hopstand hops hang out for 20 minutes, we chilled the wort to 68F (20C) and added it to a sanitized bucket.

transferring wort to a fermenter

Transferring wort to a sanitized bucket

We pitched White Labs California Ale Yeast WLP001 and let it ferment for 3 days.

pitching yeast

Pitching yeast

After 3 days we added another ounce (28.35g) of citra and an additional ounce of lemon drop hops.

adding dry hops to a mesh bag

We also added candied orange peel at this time.

candied orange peel after sitting in a food dehydrator

Our candied orange peel was dry and stiff after sitting in a food dehydrator for 24 hours

adding candied orange peel

adding mesh bag filled with dry hops and candied orange peel to fermenter

We put all of our dry hops and citrus peels into a mesh bag that was then added to the fermenter

Fermentation kicked off again (because of the sugar in the candied orange peels) and finished a few days later.

Additional Benchmarks

  • Starting Gravity: 1.046
  • Final Gravity: 1.015
  • ABV: 4.07%

Tasting Notes

This beer is one of the best we've brewed. It was super balanced and had a perfect blend of bitterness, hops flavor, and sweetness. The lemon drop hops and orange made for a very pleasant aroma. It tasted like a light citrus IPA, but the orange flavor came through nicely. It was present but not at all overpowering. We really liked the balance of sweet and bitterness as well. We rate this recipe 10/10 and highly recommend brewing it.



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Portrait of Kyle Brown

Kyle Brown is the owner of Clawhammer Supply, a small scale distillation and brewing equipment company which he founded in 2009. His passion is teaching people about the many uses of distillation equipment as well as how to make beer at home. When he isn't brewing beer or writing about it, you can find him at his local gym or on the running trail.

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  • Z
    Comment Author: Zdenek

    Corn to beer? No, thanks.

  • C
    Comment Author: Chirobrewer

    Hey guys,
    I know I’m a little late to the party, but after entering the grain bill along with the 400g of sugar for the simple syrup into Beersmith, and playing around with the water amounts, I can’t understand how you guys got your gravity numbers and ABV so low? 5.5 gal batch size at 70% eff leaves me with 5.5% ABV. Is your efficiency incredibly low or am I missing something? Thanks in advance.


  • A
    Comment Author: Adam

    Hey guys,

    There has been no information what so ever about the ammount of orange zest u have used during dry hopping. please let me know.

    Greetings from, mighty czech republic, home of the original Pilsner

  • A
    Comment Author: andre

    Hello, I was wondering how much grain would be too much when trying to increase the ABV a bit. I hope to add Enough to make the beer 5% instead of the 4%. Also after the dry hop how long would you recommend fermenting before kegging. The beer sounds amazing and I am looking forward to brewing.

  • JS
    Comment Author: JEff SMith

    Looks great. Can I get the water profile used please?