Home Brewing a Toasted Marshmallow Milk Stout Recipe

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brewing a marshmallow milk stout beer

It's the perfect time of year for brewing a sweet and chocolatey nitro "milk stout." What time of year is that, you may ask? It's NOW! Anyway, this recipe is like hot cocoa... but beer. Or smores... but BEER. In all seriousness, this turned out to be a deliciously creamy stout with subtle hints of roasty, toasty marshmallow. Kyle walks through an incredibly precise and heavily planned solo brew day while Emmet drinks beer. This is definitely one we recommend. Try it out and enjoy!

Note: This recipe is for a 5 gallon batch and is optimized for a Clawhammer Supply's 10 gallon electric BIAB brewing system using beersmith.

Marshmallow Milk Stout Brewing Video

If you're the visual type, here's a recipe walk-through video for you, tasting included. Full details are further down.

Marshmallow Milk Stout Recipe


  • Water - 7.28 Gallons
  • Baking soda - .1-.5 oz
  • Crstal 80L Malt - 8.0 oz
  • Roasted Barley 8.0 oz
  • Chocolate Malt - 1 lb
  • Flaked Oats - 1 lb 4.0 oz
  • Maris Otter Pale Malt - 7 lb 8.0 oz
  • Fuggles Hops - 2.0 oz
  • Marshmallows - 2 lbs
  • Lactose (Milk Sugar) 1 lbs
  • British Ale (WLP005) Yeast


    1. Mash at 156F for 60 minutes, using an electric controller to keep a steady temp while also using a pump to continuously circulate wort through the grain.
    2. Adjust water chemistry by measuring pH 10 minutes into the boil and raising pH into the 5.2 - 5.4 range using sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) if needed.
    3. At the end of 60 minute mash, pull grains and allow them to drain back into the kettle for 10 minutes.
    4. Heat to a boil - this recipe calls for a 60 minute boil
    5. Once boil is reached, immediately add 1 oz of fuggles hops.
    6. 30 minutes into the boil, add the other ounce of fuggles hops
    7. While boiling, toast 2 pounds of marshmallows using an oven broiler (be careful!) or a butane / propane torch with a searing head.
    8. At the end of the boil, cut the heat and add lactose sugar and marshmallows, stir until dissolved.
    9. Chill to 70F and transfer to a sanitized fermenter
    10. Add British Ale yeast, install lid, and shake for 1-2 minutes to aerate
    11. Allow to ferment for 7-10 days and bottle or keg
Portrait of Kyle Brown

Kyle Brown is the owner of Clawhammer Supply, a small scale distillation and brewing equipment company which he founded in 2009. His passion is teaching people about the many uses of distillation equipment as well as how to make beer at home. When he isn't brewing beer or writing about it, you can find him at his local gym or on the running trail.

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  • JH
    Comment Author: J Hawk

    OMG…I brewed this to the dismay and “ick” of my Tuesday night dart group. Three weeks later they couldn’t get enough. It went faster than the IPA. Fantastic recipe! I adjusted for extract but what a great beer! Thank you!

  • D
    Comment Author: Dennis

    Love how this came out when I brewed it. Used mini marshmallows to increase the toasting surface area. Thanks for sharing this.

  • J
    Comment Author: Jack

    Putting this in beersmith gives a 1.077sg with 1kg of marshmallows which is a little high.
    Does toasting it reduce the fermentable sugars?
    Thinking of halfling the marshmallows and use some vanilla pods to make up the flavour profile

  • E
    Comment Author: Eric

    Anyone know what the OG was supposed to be on this beer? I got 1.053, but then after pitching I realized I forgot something sitting in the other room…the marshmallows!!! Then just melted those down and added to the wort but didn’t remeasure the gravity.

  • B
    Comment Author: Bo

    What were the starting and final gravities? What ABV CAN be expected?