Here's a guide to brewing beer using single kettle, "brew in a bag" systems, otherwise known as BIAB. This type of brewing is largely the same as traditional 3 kettle system brewing. The primary difference is that the mash takes place as a single infusion and there is no sparge. We're using Clawhammer's 10.5 gallon digital electric system for this demonstration.
How to Brew Using a BIAB System:
Here is a quick video demonstrating the steps below.
Step 1: Create a recipe
Step 2: Fill a kettle with water
Step 3: Heat water to strike temp
Step 4: Grind grains
Step 5: Insert the grain basket and add grains to kettle
Step 6: Circulate wort through the grain bed and mash (60mins)
Step 7: Remove grains and allow them to drain (10 mins)
Step 8: Heat kettle to a boil (crack the lid once boil begins)
Step 9: Add hops while boiling (60-90 mins)
Step 10: Chill to 70F with a flat plate heat exchanger
Step 11: Measure gravity with a hydrometer or refractometer
Step 12: Transfer to fermentation bucket
Step 13: Aerate and add yeast
Step 14: Allow ample time to ferment (7-10 days for ales)
Step 15: Carbonate and drink!
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