Achieving a vigorous boil with only 1650 watts can be tricky, but with kettle insulation as well as very precise lid placement, it isn't a problem. In this quick tutorial we add add insulation to Clawhammer Supply's 10.5 gallon BIAB Homebrew System.
For the full (and very nerdy) article on boil mechanics, brew chemistry, etc. Check out our article on brewing with 120 volts.
Materials needed
- One 4x8 sheet of R-3 foil faced polyisocyanurate insulation board
- One small roll of foil faced bubble wrap.
- One small roll of foil HVAC tape
Tools needed
- Straight edge
- Sharpie marker
- Scissors
- Utility knife
- Place the kettle on the insulation board and trace separate 3 circles, using the inner curve of the kettle bottom as a guide. Cut the circles with a utility knife. Stack them on top of one another and tape together with foil tape.
- Cut a piece of bubble (using scissors) wrap that measures 45" long x 16" tall.
- Also, place the lid right side up (like you would normally place it on the kettle) on the bubble wrap and trace the inner circle, under the lip of the lid, with the sharpie. Cut the circle with scissors.
- Attach the sheet to the kettle using foil tape, cutting holes for bungs and handles. Attach the circular piece of bubble wrap to the lid, using foil tape.
Once insulated, and with the lid resting on top of the kettle, using only the hop basket to provide an opening, a full, rolling boil will be achieved.
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