If you’re looking for an easy & cheap way to make alcohol at home, fermenting a bottle of store-bought Welch’s Grape Juice is a great idea. This may not be the tastiest way to make wine at home, but we bet if you’re reading this article you’re not too worried about that. Follow the steps below & watch our how-to video to learn how to make your very own Welch’s Wine.
How-To Video
Materials Needed
- Welch’s Grape Juice
- Wine Yeast - Lalvin K1-V1116
- Fermentation Airlock
- #10 rubber stopper
- Star San
- Bottling Wand and Siphon Hose
- Or a funnel
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How to Make Welch’s Wine
- Make a sanitizer solution with Star San
- Place your yeast, airlock, and rubber stopper into the sanitizing solution
- Open your yeast packet (if using scissors, sanitize) and pour yeast into Welch’s Grape Juice
- Place the rubber stopper in the top of the grape juice bottle
- Fill your airlock with Star San and place it into the rubber stopper
- Let the grape juice ferment at room temperature for 2 weeks
- Using a sanitized bottle wand and siphon hose, siphon the wine into another bottle (you’ll want to do this to leave behind the yeast that has settled to the bottom of the bottle)
- Alternatively, you can pour your wine into another container, but this will cause the wine to splash and aerate. Aeration will make your wine not taste as good
- Drink!
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