Juicy IPA Homebrew Recipe

This blog provides information for educational purposes only. Read our complete summary for more info.

homebrey_IPA_RecipeSome like it hot. Some like it spicy. We like it juicy. And that's what we're shooting for with this all grain, Juicy IPA recipe. Why is it called "juicy?" It's simple: the beer has a mildly fruity profile, low bitterness, and a ton of hop aroma. This makes the beer taste like it was flavored with fresh hop "juice," if there were such a thing. If you don't believe us, make the beer for yourself. The videos are below. Full recipes details are further down.


 This recipe is for a 5 gallon batch and it is tailored for the Clawhammer Supply 10 Gallon 120 Volt Brewing System.

Juicy IPA Homebrew Recipe - Part I

In this video we grind our grains and mash them. We then bring the wort up to a boil and add some hops. Then we chill the wort and add more hops. Finally we transfer to a carboy and add the yeast.


Beginning water volume: 8.0 gallons (30.3 liters).

If you're trying to replicate this recipe you'll want to shoot for the following stats:

Ca- 107.8 ppm
Mg- 14.3 ppm
Na- 14.0 ppm
S04- 240 ppm
CI-   50 ppm
HC03- 25 ppm

We did adjust chemistry based on Asheville's city water chem. This part won't be applicable to you unless your water chemistry matches ours, but here's what we had to add:

  • Calcium Chloride 2.4g
  • gypsum 11.4g
  • Epsom Salt 3.3g.


  • Pale Malt:     11 pounds (5 kg) (75.9%)
  • Munich Malt: 1 pound 12oz (.8 kg) (12.1%)
  • Crystal 60L:  12oz (340.2 grams) (5.2%)
  • Corn Sugar:  1 pound (.5 kg) (6.9%) (added to boil)


We mashed at 149F (65C) for 90 minutes, then raised the temperature to 168F (75.6C) for a mashout and raised directly to a boil from there since we're using a brew in a bag (BIAB) and aren't sparging.

mashing in

Mashing in

Boil Additions

0.60oz (17 grams) Nugget [13.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min. 

Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 mins)

1.00oz (28.35 grams) Citra [12.00 %] - Boil 15.0 min

1.00oz (28.35 grams) Mosaic [12.25 %] - Boil 15.0 min

1 pound (.45 kg) corn Sugar  [Boil for 15 min]

adding sugar to the boil

We stirred continuously while adding the sugar to avoid any scorching


We used our flat plate heat exchanger to cool the wort to 170F (77C). Then we steeped 1 oz (28.5 grams) of Citra [12.00 %] for 15 minutes before cooling to pitching temp.


We're using California Ale (White Labs #WLP001)

We'll ferment at 66 degrees F (18.9C) for 7-10 days.

transferring wort to a fermentation vessel

Transferring wort to a fermentation vessel

pitching yeast starter

Pitching a yeast starter

Dry Hops

We dry hopped it with 1oz (28.5 grams) of Citra [12.00 %] for 2-3 days. 


  • Pre-boil gravity - 1.050  
  • Pre-boil water volume –  7.1 gallons (26.9 liters)
  • Post boil volume - 5.60 gallons (21.2 liters)
  • Post-boil gravity - 1.065
  • Volume into the fermenter -  5.3
  • Final keg volume: 4.9 gallons (18.5 liters)
  • Final gravity - 1.009
  • ABV - 7.35%

Juicy IPA Homebrew Recipe - Part II

In this video we keg and dry hop our juicy IPA beer.

Portrait of Kyle Brown

Kyle Brown is the owner of Clawhammer Supply, a small scale distillation and brewing equipment company which he founded in 2009. His passion is teaching people about the many uses of distillation equipment as well as how to make beer at home. When he isn't brewing beer or writing about it, you can find him at his local gym or on the running trail.

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  • N
    Comment Author: Nick

    Anyone try it without adding the sugar? Seems unnecessarily strong…

  • L
    Comment Author: lInz

    I use the same stainless mesh device you are using for dry hops in the keg. I attach fishing line and a float, all sanitized, and it’s easy to grab the float and pull it out when finished dry hopping.

  • D
    Comment Author: Diego

    what is the temperature the dry hops?

  • B
    Comment Author: Bob

    I read through the set up wondering how artichokes make an ipa juicy….

  • M
    Comment Author: Mike

    90 minute mash and 60 minute boil or the other way around?