We were feeling lazy and didn't want to come up with a recipe on our own, so we asked the Clawhammer Instagram audience to do the work for us and that's exactly what they did. We ended up receiving this sweet Kona Brewing Big Wave Blonde Ale clone recipe and it's delicious! Work smarter, folks, not harder.
NOTE: Below is our modified version of the recipe notes below.

This is a recipe for a 5 gallon batch. This recipe is tailored for our 10 gallon 120 volt brewing system, watch us use it in the video below.
Full Brew Day Video
Brewing Water
7.5 gallons (30 quarts or 28.4 liters) of tap water went into this baby. We didn't even filter it. Welcome to the lazy river!
Grains and Mash
9 Pounds (4.1 kg) of pale is best but we used a 50/50 mix of pale and pilsner because that's all we had. Problem solvers are what we are.
8 ounces (226.8g) of honey malt.
4 ounces (113.4g) of caramel malt.
We crushed the grain really fine in a grain mill.
We mashed for 60 minutes at 152 degrees F (66.7C).
Hops and Boil
This recipe calls for a 60 minute boil.
.15 ounces (4.25g) of Galaxy at start of boil (60 minutes).
.25 ounces (7.1g) of Citra with 15 mins left.
.25 ounces (7.1g) of Citra with 5 minutes left.
.2 ounces (7.1g) of Citra at flame out.
Our Citra hops had 13% alpha acids
We also added a whirlfloc tablet with 15 minutes left.
Yeast and Fermentation
We chilled to the high 60s F (~16C) and added one package of Safale US-05
Pitching yeast
We then fermented at 68 degrees F (20C) for a couple of weeks in a fermentation bucket.
Optional - Dry hop for 4 days with 2 oz of Citra
This beer tastes a lot like....a Kona Brewing Big Wave Blonde Ale, believe it or not. It's really good. Light and refreshing and a nice lemon / lime citrus character. This beer scored really high marks by everyone who tasted it. Do yourself a favor and brew it!
Emmet called this the "Best beer yet."
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