Single Hop (Mosaic) Double IPA Homebrew Recipe

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How to brew single hop mosaic double IPAHow big can you go with a single kettle, "brew in a bag" (BIAB) system? That's what we aimed to find out by brewing this beer. It's a double IPA that calls for a whopping 20 pounds (9.1kg) of grain. The brewing process is a bit different for these types of beers, so if you're using a 10.5 gallon BIAB electric brewing system, pay close attention to the details below.

Brewing Water

We first added 8.6 gallons (32.6 liters) of tap water to our kettle and made some minor water chemistry adjustments. Next we removed about a gallon and a half of water. Some would argue that it's better to make chemistry adjustments based on the specific volume of water you plan to mash with. We weren't sure how much we were going to use so we just adjusted the full volume. It'll be good enough!


After heating the water to strike temp, we inserted the grain basket in our kettle and added the following grains to the grain basket:

  • Pale malt (16lbs 9.6oz) / (7kg 529.6g)
  • Cara-Pils (12.8oz) / (362.9g)
  • Caramel Malt (12.8oz) / (362.9g)
  • Munich Malt (12.8oz) / (362.9g)
  • Honey Malt (8oz) / (226.8g)
  • White Wheat Malt (8oz) / (226.8g)


We mashed at 150F (65.6C) for 60 mins, did a quick mashout at 170F (76.7C) for 10 minutes.

mashing in

Mashing in

stirring mash to remove clumps

It's important to stir your mash to remove any clumps

After this, we pulled the grain basket and placed it over the kettle using some basket hooks.

pulling grains and hooking them above the basket

We then sparged by pouring the water we took out at the beginning of the brew day through the grains in the suspended grain basket.



Sparging through our suspended grain basket

Our pre-boil gravity was 1.066.

pre-boil gravity

Boiling / Hops

We boiled for 60 minutes and added the following hops, etc:

  • Mosaic (2.0 oz) / (56.7g) at 60 minutes (the start of the boil)

adding first mosaic hop addition

First Mosaic hop addition

  • Whirlfloc Tablet (1) at 15 minutes (45 minutes into the boil)

whirlfloc tablet

Whirlfloc tablets help clarify beer

  • Mosaic Hops (3.0 oz) / (85.05g) at flameout (once we turned off the heat)


transferring wort to a fermenter

Transferring chilled wort to a fermenter

We added two packets of Lallemand Bry-97 (we did not make a starter) and planned to let it ferment at 67ish degrees Fahrenheit (19.4C) for 10 days.

pitching yeast

Pitching yeast

aerating wort

Aerating after pitching yeast

Actually, we let it sit for 2 months!!! Listen folks, it's summertime. We've been enjoying the nice weather doing a lot of day drinking. This one fell through the cracks.

Additional Benchmarks

Final Gravity: 1.012

final gravity

ABV: 8.14%

Tasting Notes

name of the beer on our tap boards, we named it "Mosaic Mistake"

Unfortunately, we had to name this one "Mosaic Mistake"

This one isn't hoppy enough. First, it probably needed to be kegged and drank much sooner than it was. Second, it probably needs a dry hop addition. There really isn't any hop aroma to speak of. All in all, it's an OK double IPA, but not our best work. That said, please brew this one and tell us what you think! We'd love to hear about your version of the recipe.

emmet drinking beer

"I called it the Mosaic Mistake because...I forgot about it for two months"

Portrait of Kyle Brown

Kyle Brown is the owner of Clawhammer Supply, a small scale distillation and brewing equipment company which he founded in 2009. His passion is teaching people about the many uses of distillation equipment as well as how to make beer at home. When he isn't brewing beer or writing about it, you can find him at his local gym or on the running trail.

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  • B
    Comment Author: Brewwookies

    Is this recipe for 10 gallons? I’m wanting to do a 5.5 Gal Brew and try a 1. Oz dry hop addition maybe more because I love mosaic