Star San Sanitizer (32 oz)

Star San Sanitizer (32 oz)

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  • Star San Sanitizer

    • Star San is an acid-based no-rinse sanitizer. 
    • Used to sanitize fermenters and all brewing and mashing equipment
    • Use 2 tablespoons per 5 gallons of water, soak for 5 minutes.
    • A foaming acid anionic sanitizer that penetrates hard-to-see places.
    • No rinse.
    • Does not stain and will not import odors or off flavors.
    • Sanitizes in just a few minutes.
    • The best sanitizer for mashing and fermenting equipment
    • Star San creates a lot of foam which allows full coverage and allows it to get into all of the little crevices.
    • The foam that is left behind is not harmful - it is perfectly safe and non-toxic. 

    Don't Fear The Foam!

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